"In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth"
The Irish Chapter, Chapitre St. Patrick, will meet in Paris on Friday the 6th of June to celebrate the Holy Mass and have a last meal before beginning the three day pilgrimage from Notre-Dame Paris to Notre-Dame Chartres.
The annual Pentecost pilgrimage takes place over three days, June 7th -9th, with pilgrims walking the 60 miles to Chartres. During the three days we pray, sing, observe times of silence and listen to meditations and homilies. There is a strong communal aspect to the pilgrimage, and pilgrims are encouraged to stay within their own chapter, or group, as much as possible. Each year pilgrims have a theme to contemplate, the theme for the 2014 pilgrimage, taken from Genesis, is: "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth". This theme will be explored each day through meditations, prepared in advance by pilgrims, which concentrate on sub-themes; Saturday will follow the sub-theme: God and the creation of man, Sunday: Creation for the adoration of God, Monday: Society as the image of Divine Order.
8:00pm Meal in Le Serpente Restaurant
(Accommodation has been reserved for pilgrims in Le Boeuf Couronne, located a short distance from the Cathedral)
For more information or to register with the Irish Chapter please contact John King or Katie O'Driscoll or chapitrestpatrick@gmail.com
Friday 6th June
(The Irish Chapter has rooms for pilgrims booked in Hotel Excelsior, Rue Cujas)
5:45pm Pilgrims meet at St. Patrick's Chapel, Collége des Irlandais
6:00pm Holy Mass will be celebrated at St. Patrick's Chapel
7:00pm Meal, Rue Soulfflot which is adjacent to the hotel
Saturday 7th June - Patronage of St. Thomas Aquinas
7:00am High Mass in Notre Dame Cathedral
8:30am Departure of pilgrims from Paris
Sunday 8th June - Patronage of St. Francis of Assisi
1:00pm Solenm High Mass in the open air to celebrate the Feast of PentecostMonday 9th June - Patronage of St. Thomas Moore
3:30pm Solemn High Mass in Chartres Cathedral8:00pm Meal in Le Serpente Restaurant
(Accommodation has been reserved for pilgrims in Le Boeuf Couronne, located a short distance from the Cathedral)
Tuesday 10th June
9:00am Holy Mass for the Irish Chapter in the Crypt of Norte Dame de ChartresFor more information or to register with the Irish Chapter please contact John King or Katie O'Driscoll or chapitrestpatrick@gmail.com